Monday, March 10, 2008

Some amusing tricks my brain plays on me.

Yes, I'm getting old. The fun in that is trying to live with a brain that malfunctions on a daily basis. Here are some funny little games my brain and I play together.

1. I can't find my purse. I'm looking everywhere. My son comes to help me so I won't be late to work. As I turn around he says, "Mom, would that be the purse on your shoulder?" haha. I had it right there on me.

2. I am working on my computer or reading or paying bills. I am wearing a pair of reading glasses. As I come across another pair in my purse and/or desk drawer, I start to put them on over the ones I am already wearing. DUH! haha.

3. I am an excellent speller. I occasionally can't remember how to spell a word that I've spelled correctly all my life. I have to go to AOL, start an email and put the word in the email and use spell checker to figure it out. Annoying.

4. I am trying to write a word that I know how to spell. No matter how many times I try, it comes out wrong. (an example: at work I was trying to write "purse". I kept writing purche. Don't ask. I have no idea why, but again, it's very annoying.)

5. I bought two new jackets. When I took one out of the closet to wear, I told myself to take off the tags. When I got to the meeting I was going to attend, my boss whispered to me to lift my arm. She then detached the tags that I thought I had removed. haha.

6. I'm running around the house looking for my car keys. My son hears me and comes to help. (he's great that way!). We are looking everywhere. He sees me standing there trying to figure it out when he notices I have the keys in my hand. He says, "Hey, mom! Would you be looking for the keys that you're holding in your hand?" Ay, yi, yi~!

7. Cooking is impossible because I CANNOT seem to remember that I am making food. If I leave the kitchen the food is out of sight, out of mind and with no sense of smell, impossible (apparently) for my brain to keep in memory.

8. I actually forget to eat. I get busy on my day and go, go, go. I get to work and realize I've not had one drop of food all day. This happened again yesterday. I ate nothing at all until around 8pm, when I got my break at work. I don't get why I don't feel hungry. Whatever.

9. The "Did I" game. Most of you have probably played this one. It's the "did I turn off the (insert any electrical appliance here, especially those that create heat and might 'burn down the house')" game. Luckily I have people that I can call to check on those things, since my sons work days and I work nights. Still annoying, though.

10. What did you say? I have my shirt on inside out? haha. Yes, I really do end up places and find that I didn't get my clothes on right. This is humorous, even to me. How can I not notice this? Especially when I am sure I am paying attention to that.

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