Sunday, May 4, 2008

Little voices.

Sean and I when he was 2 years 3 months:

Me: "You ought to go to Hollywood!"
Sean: "No, Hollywood!" (shaking his head no)
Me: "You don't want to be an actor?"
Sean: "NO!"
Me: "Well, then what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Sean: "Me!"

Today Sean said "dammit" i.e., "dammit, Keri, I want water!"
I called him in to talk about it and said that he shouldn't use that kind of language. He said something to indicate that he felt it was appropriate and I told him it was never appropriate for a two-year-old. He was disappointed, but agreed that I might be right.

Laurie informed me today that she got an "F" because the paper she was supposed to turn in was in her desk! (???)
Later, I found out she didn't get one, after all.

Keri informed me today that she only got two tallies. (It takes three to get paddled.)
(yes, in those days, kids got paddled at school.)

Sean was bugging me about lunch. I said, "Oh, go make your own!" He left the room and I went back to what I was doing. He came back in and said, "I can't reach it!"
"Can't reach what?", I asked. He replied, "The peanut butter." I followed him to the kitchen where he had gotten out two slices of bread, wrapped the rest and put it back and gotten the jam out of the fridge. He was 29 months.

Laurie let Heather sit on her lunch pail today to close it and destroyed it. It was actually Sean's because her other one fell apart last Friday. I bought her and Keri new lunch pails today, although Keri's had the same one for three years.

The boys were fighting over who was going to get to look at the cereal box and which side they should get to see. It was "Generic Wheat Flakes". It had exactly the same black and white lettering and words on all four sides.

That's all for today. Just a few tidbits I found while looking through some old journals.


Christine said...

Don't you love the echo of the past. I have old journals that the 2nd grade teacher made my kids keep. They are so precious. I wish I could go back and spend a day with my kids when they were small again.nmslje

The Invisible Mo said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes I really miss those days. Even with the chaos that sometimes ensued, it was fun to do all those little things together. I'm trying to compile my journals in Microsoft Word and while doing that I'm enjoying the reading. Even the mundane days seem fun to read about.
Does nmslje mean something? or is it a typo?

Christine said...

Hahahaha! I accidentally must have put the word verification on the post instead of in the little box. Ho...that is funny. No wonder I keep having trouble with it. Hahaha!